Action Alert:  Oppose Transferable Landowner Appreciation Deer Permits in Kansas (HB 2672)

February 6, 2024 By: NDA Staff

Kansas House Bill 2672 (HB 2672) would establish transferable landowner appreciation permits for the hunting of white-tailed deer and allow one landowner appreciation permit for every 80 acres of land owned, up to 10 permits, for a fee of $0. In addition to drastically cutting much needed funding to the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP), this bill circumvents the state’s non-resident draw system for tags. This would result in a negative impact on resident Kansas hunters as well as the state’s well managed deer herd.


Please consider joining the National Deer Association (NDA) in opposing this legislation. HB 2672 takes aim at KDWP’s draw system for allocating non-resident tags and also results in a significant financial hit to the agency. Additionally, it is important that the number of deer tags available be decided upon by the qualified wildlife management professionals within the agency, and not politicians. Nationally we know that 80% of all hunters who purchase a hunting license are deer hunters, and hunting license sales are a significant contributor to the budgets of state wildlife management agencies, and Kansas is no exception. Furthermore, states are required to provide a financial match in order to receive critical dollars derived from the federal Pittman-Robertson Act. If passed, HB 2672 would pose a significant threat to state’s ability to receive that funding.

CLICK HERE to ask your lawmakers to oppose HB 2672.

NDA supports wildlife management led by state wildlife management agencies, not policy or regulations driven by misguided legislation like HB 2672. Please join us by opposing this bill that would harm KDWP’s ability to manage the state’s world-class deer herd and other wildlife species.