Kansas is facing a critical threat to its natural resources and wildlife with the introduction of Senate Bill 347. This bill, proposed and advocated by hunting lodges, guides, and large landowners catering to non-resident hunters, seeks to stack the Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission in their favor. This move poses a significant detriment to Kansas resident hunters, anglers, and outdoor enthusiasts.
Misinformation about current commissioners of the Kansas Wildlife and Parks Department is being spread, prompting the need for action to preserve the institutional structure that has safeguarded and led the management of our wildlife for decades. The Commission, comprised of seven members, operates as a non-partisan board, with no more than four members from any single political party. These commissioners serve staggered four-year terms, offering advice to the Secretary on planning and policy issues regarding the administration of KDWP.
It’s noteworthy that all seven members of the current Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission are fishermen, and six are hunters. This diversity among the commissioners ensures representation of various interests, as intended by the Commission’s design. The current Commission is a well-functioning entity within Kansas government, playing a crucial role in upholding the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.
Therefore, we firmly oppose Kansas SB 347 in its current form, particularly the provision regarding appointing power to the Attorney General, which we believe is misplaced and could jeopardize the integrity of wildlife management in our state.
We call on concerned citizens to join us in opposing Kansas SB 347. By taking action together, we can protect the management of wildlife and safeguard our precious natural resources for generations to come.