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How State Wildlife Agencies Are Funded, and What It Means for Deer Hunters
As deer hunters, we have a direct stake in how our state wildlife agencies are funded. These agencies play a crucial role in managing wildlife populations, protecting habitats, and promoting sustainable hunting practices. However, recent…
read moreNDA Opposes New Jersey Legislation S778/A1404: A Threat to Property Rights and Hunting Access
New Jersey’s hunters and landowners are facing a serious threat to their rights with the introduction of S778 and A1404— two bills that would require landowners to provide notice to, and obtain written permission from,…
read moreWildlife Commissions Are Under Threat. Here’s How Hunters Can Help.
There’s been a surge in challenges against wildlife commission authorities in recent legislative sessions across the country. States like Kentucky, Kansas, and Vermont proposed various legislation changing the authority or roles of state wildlife agency…
read moreAdvocacy Resources
National Deer Association (NDA) position statements cover a varitey of deer related issues from Antler Restrictions, Carcass Transport and Disposal, Food Plots, Quality Deer Management, Sunday Hunting and more.