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Wildlife Commissions Are Under Threat. Here’s How Hunters Can Help.
There’s been a surge in challenges against wildlife commission authorities in recent legislative sessions across the country. States like Kentucky, Kansas, and Vermont proposed various legislation changing the authority or roles of state wildlife agency…
read moreAction Alert: Protect Your Right to Hunt, Fish, and Trap in Delaware
Attention all outdoor enthusiasts, conservationists, and supporters of wildlife preservation: the right to hunt, fish, and trap is critical to the outdoor heritage of the First State, and we need your help to protect it….
read moreProtecting Vermont’s Wildlife: Oppose Senate Bill 258
Vermont’s Senate Bill 258 has sparked considerable controversy and concern among conservationists and wildlife enthusiasts across the state. This bill, which seeks to restructure the Commission for the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department, threatens to…
read moreAdvocacy Resources
National Deer Association (NDA) position statements cover a varitey of deer related issues from Antler Restrictions, Carcass Transport and Disposal, Food Plots, Quality Deer Management, Sunday Hunting and more.