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Action Alert: Funding for CWD Research and Management Needs Senate Support
The Chronic Wasting Disease Research and Management Act (S. 4111), introduced by Senators John Hoeven (R-ND), Martin Heinrich (D-NM) and a number of bipartisan cosponsors, was recently introduced in the United States Senate. The Act…
read moreNDA Celebrates Senate Introduction of the CWD Research & Management Act
The National Deer Association (NDA) applauds Thursday’s introduction of the Chronic Wasting Disease Research and Management Act in the United States Senate. The bill’s introduction serves as a companion to the House of Representatives version,…
read moreNDA Calls For Pennsylvania Game Commission to Oversee Captive Deer Shooting Facilities
The National Deer Association is calling for full authority over Pennsylvania’s captive deer shooting facilities to be transferred from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA) to the Pennsylvania Game Commission. On April 11, PGC announced…
read moreMAPLand Act Passage Brings Public Land Access Info a Signature Away
Last week, the United States Senate passed the Modernizing Access to Our Public Land (MAPLand) Act. Introduced by a host of bipartisan Representatives and Senators last spring, the MAPLand Act requires federal land management agencies…
read moreAdvocacy Resources
National Deer Association (NDA) position statements cover a varitey of deer related issues from Antler Restrictions, Carcass Transport and Disposal, Food Plots, Quality Deer Management, Sunday Hunting and more.