If you love eating fresh venison like we do, we have articles to walk you through the entire process, from proper field dressing, to butchering your deer, followed by some excellent venison recipes to help you get the most out of your harvest.
How to Make Venison Roast Beast Sandwiches
Dec 3, 2024Evan Barrett
Editor’s Note: Evan Barrett of Michigan learned to hunt deer through NDA’s Field to Fork program, and he has continued to participate in the program as a mentor to other new hunters. As a professional…
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How Much Venison Can You Expect From Your Deer?
Oct 23, 2024Elizabeth Kligge
From scouting, to the thrill of the hunt itself, to the food we are able to procure, deer hunting is a year-round source of enjoyment. And when it comes to putting venison in the freezer,…
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Roasted Mediterranean Venison Backstrap
Oct 27, 2021Ben Westfall
We’ve all heard it before. You know the phrase. The one that nearly all hunters have heard when they bring up how excited they are to fill the freezer with venison. “I can’t eat deer,…
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Hunt & Gather: Mild Venison Chili and Wild Grape Jelly
Aug 4, 2021Bruce and Elaine Ingram
Many years ago, I interviewed a veteran West Virginia hunter who had recently killed a mature buck with his bow. The Mid-Atlantic region was in the midst of a poor acorn crop, and bowhunters were…
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Loaded Venison Scrambled Eggs Recipe
Jun 16, 2021Ben Westfall
As hunters, we all know the importance of a hot, home-cooked breakfast after a long, cold morning in the woods. For many, this is another integral part of the deer hunting experience and camaraderie that…
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Spring Tonic Salad With Deer Heart and Morels
Apr 7, 2021Bruce and Elaine Ingram
According to Southern Appalachian folklore, blood “falls” in the winter and “rises” in the summer. Come spring, in order to force one’s blood to start percolating again, a spring tonic was necessary. I’m not sure…
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10 Essential Tools for Home Deer Processing
Jun 10, 2020Lindsay Thomas Jr.
Long ago, I made the decision to process my venison for the freezer at home, in my own relatively small kitchen. My basic tools and procedures have remained simple because they work and because I…
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Hunt & Gather: Clean Out the Freezer Stew
Apr 29, 2020Bruce and Elaine Ingram
The other day, I took a tour through our freezer and discovered a quartered gray squirrel from February, turkey wing meat from the fall of 2018 (yikes), and just two packages of roasts among our…
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Hunt & Gather: Venison Burger with Wild Watercress Potatoes and Dandelion Salad
Mar 4, 2020Bruce and Elaine Ingram
In mid-to-late winter and early spring on the 38 acres Elaine and I live on, I perform many of the typical tasks NDA members do: look for sheds of the never-seen buck that made all…
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5 Venison Recipes From NDA’s Field to Fork Events
Feb 12, 2020Hank Forester
When Charles Evans and I created the pilot project in 2016 that would become NDA’s Field to Fork program, we tried a novel approach for reaching non-hunting adults who might be interested in learning to…