By: Ben Westfall

Ben Westfall is NDA's Conservation Coordinator. Ben received both his bachelor of science and master of science degrees from Southeast Missouri State University with an emphasis on wildlife conservation.

Don’t Move That Fawn

May 4, 2022 Ben Westfall

It seems like every spring I see a post on social media by someone with a fawn they “rescued” because they found it lying alone in the grass, seemingly frightened. I politely inform them that…

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Venison Backstrap Inside and Out: A Muscular Look at America’s Best Cut of Meat

Apr 13, 2022 Ben Westfall

Venison backstrap. What more do I need to say? Most experienced deer hunters know where it is, what it looks like, and that we undoubtedly love to eat it. In fact, we’ll venture to say…

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Roasted Mediterranean Venison Backstrap

Oct 27, 2021 Ben Westfall

We’ve all heard it before. You know the phrase. The one that nearly all hunters have heard when they bring up how excited they are to fill the freezer with venison. “I can’t eat deer,…

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5 Pieces of Hunting Gear Every New Deer Hunter Needs

Oct 6, 2021 Ben Westfall

Like many of us, I started hunting at a young age wearing mismatched, hand-me-down camo and worn-out gear that was older than I was. My hunting journey has evolved over the years, but when I…

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How to Prep for Deer Season in a Small Suburban Home

Sep 8, 2021 Ben Westfall

Many of us, myself included, do not own hunting land or even live outside of city limits. In fact, 52% of American households are classified as suburban, while only 21% of households are considered rural!…

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Loaded Venison Scrambled Eggs Recipe

Jun 16, 2021 Ben Westfall

As hunters, we all know the importance of a hot, home-cooked breakfast after a long, cold morning in the woods. For many, this is another integral part of the deer hunting experience and camaraderie that…

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3 More Reasons Deer Hunting Equals Conservation

Apr 21, 2021 Ben Westfall

In December 2020, I shed some light on the substantial economic importance of deer hunting in the southeastern United States by highlighting a few interesting facts from a project called the Southeast Deer Partnership. As…

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Hunting is Conservation. Here’s Why.

Dec 2, 2020 Ben Westfall

I remember being told in school, “You won’t always have a calculator in your pocket” whenever we would complain about having to work math problems out on paper. Not only do we always have a…

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Keep Your Eyes Open for EHD in Deer

Sep 6, 2019 Ben Westfall

Three years ago in my native Missouri, I was headed toward my favorite stand when I stumbled upon a dead doe. She looked as if she had died in the last day or two, and…

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