By: Cheyne Matzenbacher

Cheyne Matzenbacher is an NDA Deer Outreach Specialist in Missouri. A Missouri native and lifelong deer hunter, Cheyne works with private landowners to establish and support Wildlife Management Cooperatives in the southern half of the state.

Know Your Deer Trees: Ozark Chinquapin

Sep 29, 2021 Cheyne Matzenbacher

Once thought to be extirpated from its range, the Ozark chinquapin (Castanea ozarkensis) is a drought tolerant hardwood tree that reaches up to 65 feet tall and 2-3 feet in diameter.  Ozark chinquapins bloom in…

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5 Easy Ways to Meet Your Deer-Hunting Neighbors

Jul 8, 2020 Cheyne Matzenbacher

I know I’m not the only one who has been guilty of assuming that any deer management I tried to accomplish would be negated when a deer crossed the fence onto the neighbor’s land. It…

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