By: Kip Adams

Kip Adams of Knoxville, Pennsylvania, is a certified wildlife biologist and NDA's Chief Conservation Officer. He has a bachelor's degree in wildlife and fisheries science from Penn State University and a master's in wildlife from the University of New Hampshire. He's also a certified taxidermist. Before joining NDA, Kip was the deer and bear biologist for the New Hampshire Fish & Game Department. Kip and his wife Amy have a daughter, Katie, and a son, Bo.

Hunt, Harvest and Test Deer to Fight CWD in Florida

Nov 22, 2023 Kip Adams

The National Deer Association encourages Florida deer hunters to join the fight against CWD. Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) was found in the panhandle of Florida this year in Holmes County in a 4½-year-old doe. You…

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The Kip Adams Challenge: Achieve These 5 Goals for a Rewarding Deer Season

Oct 11, 2023 Kip Adams

Hunting season is upon us throughout the whitetail’s range. It’s a glorious time of year and one filled with excitement and opportunity. We enter deer-hunting season with different expectations and avidity levels, but regardless of where…

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Which Deer Aging Technique is More Accurate, Jawbone or Cementum?

Sep 20, 2023 Kip Adams

There are two methods hunters can use to estimate the age of harvested deer, and both rely on deer teeth. There is a lot of misunderstanding, misapplication, and misinformation shared about these valuable deer management…

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Which Deer Catch and Spread CWD Fastest, and Why?

Aug 30, 2023 Kip Adams

Chronic wasting disease in deer has emerged over the last 20 years as one of the most significant issues in deer hunting in modern times. The fact the disease is complex and difficult to manage…

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Can Baiting and Feeding Really Spread Deer Diseases Faster?

Aug 9, 2023 Kip Adams

Baiting and supplemental feeding are contentious topics in hunting camps, wildlife agency headquarters and legislative halls across North America. They come with cultural, ethical and ecological considerations. These are all worthy of discussion, but I’ll…

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Can You Tell Bucks From Does by Their Droppings? Plus Other Deer Dung Data

Jun 28, 2023 Kip Adams

Can you tell a whitetail buck from a doe by the shape or size of deer droppings? How many times a day does a deer poop? Great questions. The sex thing works for turkeys. Gobbler…

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Six Factors in Designing Successful Deer Hunting Plots

May 24, 2023 Kip Adams

There are two main types of food plots for deer, nutritional and hunting plots. In general, nutritional plots are larger (1 to 5 acres) and are intended to provide abundant nutrition over numerous months. Hunting…

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How to Shop for Food Plot Lime to Maximize Deer Nutrition

May 3, 2023 Kip Adams

Calcium oxide is its chemical name, but we’re deer hunters rather than chemists, so we’ll simply refer to it as lime. It’s like your buddy’s nickname – more personal, fun, and, well, understandable. That’s important…

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A Guide to Rubs and Scrapes, the Social Media of the Deer World

Oct 19, 2022 Kip Adams

Whitetails don’t have cell phones or social media accounts, but they are far more social than most hunters realize. They surf the information highway at rubs and scrapes to stay in contact with locals as…

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Deer Hunting East vs. West

Oct 5, 2022 Kip Adams

Deer hunting is America’s pastime. Deer are among the most widespread wildlife species, and they are the most sought-after game animal. Nearly eight of every 10 hunters identifies as a deer hunter, as 79% of…

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