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Tip of the Mitt Branch Banquet
After a couple of years off due to the “C” word we are back in action with our annual banquet.
These tickets always sell out fast so don’t miss out! We will NOT have tickets at the door.
Saturday, February 18, 2023
Doors Open 4 p.m.
Dinner Served 6 p.m.
Holy Childhood Event Center
150 W. Main St.
Harbor Springs, MI 49740
Single $80.00
One NDA Membership & One Meal
Couple $125.00
One NDA Membership & Two Meals
Youth $25.00
One Meal, No Membership
Table 1 $1,250.00
One NDA Sponsor Membership, 7 NDA Memberships & 8 Meals
Early Bird $100.00
$300.00 in Raffle Tickets for $100.00
You can purchase tickets by utilizing this web address. https://www.tipofthemittqdma.com/
Jim Rummer
Phone: 231-330-2276Email: rummerj@charemisd.orgWebsite: https://www.tipofthemittqdma.com/