The National Deer Association appreciates the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (FWS) release of a new rule to increase hunting and fishing opportunities on National Wildlife Refuge System (NWRS) lands. These annual rule-making efforts have come to be known as “Hunt/Fish” rules. This year’s package proposes adding 53 new distinct hunting and sport fishing opportunities on approximately 211,000 acres of NWRS lands nationwide.
Further, the rule highlights the FWS’s interest in promoting non-lead ammunition and tackle rather than regulating these materials. By including language to this effect, the FWS is building on last week’s announcement of a pilot program to provide incentives for the promotion of alternative ammunition on seven refuges.
“NDA appreciates the Service’s new direction of promoting and incentivizing the voluntary use of non-lead ammunition,” said Nick Pinizzotto, chief executive officer of the National Deer Association. “We believe this approach will be more effective than strictly regulating the use of lead ammunition.
“Personally, I’m excited to take a hard look at the new archery hunting opportunities as I plan the balance of my 2024 hunting season and look ahead to 2025,” said Pinizzotto. “I am always excited to see the latest Hunt/Fish rule because it highlights the FWS’s interest in expanding opportunities for America’s hunters and anglers to recreate on the only public lands dedicated to wildlife conservation. It’s a beautiful example of the connection between hunting and conservation.”
This Hunt/Fish rule aims to add to the 400 wildlife refuges and 36 wetland management districts where hunting can currently occur and to the 343 wildlife refuges and 35 wetland management districts where fishing is allowed. New opportunities are being proposed for refuges in Kentucky, Louisiana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Carolina, Texas, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin. If this rule is finalized, the FWS would open the first ever hunting opportunities on Green River National Wildlife Refuge (KY), offer expanded waterfowl and archery deer hunting on newly acquired FWS acres at Bayou Teche National Wildlife Refuge (LA) and expanded fishing on Horicon National Wildlife Refuge (WI).
A complete list of all refuges and hatcheries opening or expanding hunting or fishing is available in the final rule. View an online list. The final rule will publish in the Federal Register and be available at, Docket Number: FWS-HQ-NWRS-2024-0034
The Service intends to finalize the proposed changes in time for the upcoming 2024-2025 hunting seasons.