Oregon Hosting Webinar On Mule Deer Management Plan Update

October 18, 2023 By: Amber Kornak

The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) is hosting a webinar discussing the rework of the Mule Deer Management Plan (Plan), with a focus on chapters about predation and harvest management, on October 24th, 2023 at 6:00p.m.

ODFW wildlife biologists will present information on various chapters of the plan, followed by a Q&A session based on comments and questions received. It will be recorded and saved to YouTube for those who are unable to view the live stream.

ODFW is encouraging the public to read the chapters and participate via the Mule Deer Plan webpage prior to the webinar. Comments and questions on the Plan can also be submitted on that page.

The draft Plan focuses on research and monitoring efforts to determine the level of predation and how that rate is impacted by other factors, as well as what ODFW has learned from past predator removal studies. The Harvest Management chapter reviews the background of mule deer hunting in the state as well as the goals and future direction of harvest allocation in the state.

The National Deer Association (NDA) strongly encourages our Oregon members and supporters to read the draft Plan, attend the webinar and leave comments. Hunter engagement is vital to accurate, successful and sustainable deer management programs, and all Oregon mule deer hunters should take an interest in helping form the new Plan for managing the state’s mule deer for the future.

About Amber Kornak:

Amber Kornak is a Policy Intern with the National Deer Association. She received her bachelor's degree in Fisheries and Wildlife Science from Oregon State University. She has 8 years of wildlife experience working with big game animals such as bears, deer and elk. Amber is an outdoor enthusiast currently residing in Northwest Montana.