No-Till Drills and Crimpers for Food Plotting With Paul Hollis of PH Outdoors

March 20, 2024 By: NDA Staff

There are many effective ways to plant a food plot but two particular approaches, no-till planting and crimping, continue to gain popularity. In this episode, Paul Hollis, owner of PH Outdoors, joined Nick and The Doctor to talk about these techniques and their benefits. Paul also discussed in detail the no-till planters and crimpers his company manufactures, some of which can be pulled with a suitably sized ATV or side-by-side. Understanding the big picture of food plotting and the importance of having and implementing a sound planting plan are also covered.

PH Outdoors is an NDA corporate sponsor and as part of our current United for Deer Sweepstakes we are giving away one of their G3 No-Till Drills that Paul generously donated. You can enter to win here.

Episode Sponsor: PH Outdoors

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