Manage Your Hunting Property by Shooting the Right Number of Deer With Matt Ross

November 9, 2022 By: Brian Grossman

On this week’s Deer Season 365 Podcast episode, we’re talking with NDA’s Matt Ross about deer herd management. Matt explains the art and science behind harvesting the right number of bucks and does on a property to meet your goals and objectives for the property. We also discuss NDA’s new public land initiative. Regardless of whether you own a big farm, a few acres, or just hunt public land, there’s some great information in this one. 

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Matt’s Deer Harvest Diagnosis article

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The National Deer Association (NDA) is a non-profit deer conservation group that works to ensure the future of wild deer, wildlife habitat and hunting. Thank you for subscribing to our podcast!

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About Brian Grossman:

Brian Grossman joined the NDA staff in 2015 as its Communications Manager and now serves as the Director of Communications. Brian is responsible for amplifying NDA’s educational message for hunters through social media, e-mail, podcasts, and the NDA website. He has been a freelance writer, photographer, videographer and web designer since 2003. A trained wildlife biologist, Brian came to NDA from the Georgia DNR Wildlife Resources Division, where he was a field operations supervisor, overseeing management of 15 Wildlife Management Areas. Brian currently lives in Thomaston, Georgia with his wife, Tina.