Online Modules Online learning of individual topics

Welcome to NDA’s series of Deer Steward Online Modules.  Through this platform, NDA offers multiple online modules covering topics ranging from antlers and aging deer to buck movement patterns, food plots, the whitetail rut, and more. 

Program Overview

The NDA’s Deer Steward online modules were developed with the goal of increasing your knowledge and understanding of a specific topic. The six online modules are derived directly from our Deer Steward 1 course, so if you’re not quite ready to jump into the full course, you can completely customize your learning experience in a way that fits your precise needs and interests.

Whether you’re a brand-new or experienced hunter, landowner, or an aspiring natural resource professional, this is the place to be.

Each course is entirely web based, and you will have access to the materials for 90 days after registering, allowing for the flexibility necessary to cover the materials as quickly or slowly as you desire.

To register for Deer Steward 1 in its entirety, click here.

Available Modules

Course Instructors

Dr. Bronson Strickland

Mississippi State University

St. John Family Professor of Wildlife Management and Extension Wildlife Specialist Bronson is the St. John Family…


Kip Adams

NDA Chief Conservation Officer

Chief Conservation Officer Kip is NDA’s Chief Conservation Officer. Kip received his B.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries…


Dr. Gino D’Angelo

University of Georgia

Assistant Professor of Deer Ecology and Management Gino is an Assistant Professor of Deer Ecology and Management…


Dr. Will Gulsby

Auburn University

Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Management Will is an Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Management…


Dr. Craig Harper

University of Tennessee

Professor of Wildlife Management and Extension Wildlife Specialist Craig is a Professor of Wildlife Management and the…


Dr. Marcus Lashley

University of Florida

Assistant Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Marcus is an Assistant Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation…


Matt Ross

NDA Director of Conservation

Director of Conservation Matt is NDA’s Director of Conservation. Matt received his B.S. in Wildlife Conservation from…


Ben Westfall

NDA Conservation Coordinator

Conservation Coordinator Ben is NDA’s Conservation Coordinator. Ben received his B.S. in Wildlife Conservation/Biology and M.S. in…


If you have any questions regarding course content please contact:

Ben Westfall

Conservation Coordinator

Ben Westfall is NDA’s Conservation Coordinator and previously held positions as Deer Outreach Specialist and QDM Cooperative…
