What is “bow-range burning”? It’s part of a concept that is torching a lot of old rules about the use of prescribed fire and shaking things up in the world of deer habitat management. How…
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Why 3D Archery Will Make You a Better Bowhunter
Mar 14, 2018Brian Grossman
When discussing 3D archery with those unfamiliar with the sport, I often describe it as “golf for bowhunters.” That’s because 3D archery takes the challenge — and frustration — of golf and combines it with…
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White-tailed Deer Shot Placement [Video]
Sep 22, 2017Hank Forester
White-tailed Deer Shot PlacementQDMA’s Kip Adams explains the safest and most effective place to shoot a white-tailed deer whether you are hunting with a bow or a firearm. Posted by The Quality Deer Management Association…
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Five Rules for Recovering Liver-Shot Deer
Oct 5, 2016Jeremy Juhasz
I settled into my stand with favorable weather conditions and plenty of optimism for an early season September bowhunt in the rolling hills of Eastern Ohio. As the sun dipped below the horizon, I heard…
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7 Ways to Start Young Bowhunters Right
Jul 9, 2015Bill Badgley
Recently, bowhunter Mandy Hulett asked me if her young son Evan’s archery equipment was adequate for killing deer. She lives in a state where there is no minimum age limit for hunting, so it falls…
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Three Double-Lung Treestand Setups
Aug 18, 2014Jim Sollecito
Most bragging-sized bucks are harvested by hunters who fall into one of two categories: the very well prepared or the very lucky. Sometimes those paths intersect. The better you prepare, the luckier you get. That’s…
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High Deer Recovery Rates for Fixed-Blade and Mechanical Broadheads
Feb 24, 2014Lindsay Thomas Jr.
Every year at the Southeast Deer Study Group meeting, a few research presentations stand out from the others and leave the audience murmuring long after the question-and-answer period has been cut off. QDMA member Andy…
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Momentum Beats Speed for Lethal Arrow Hits
Jun 18, 2013Bill Badgley
Lethal shots without wounding deer are every ethical hunter’s top priority, and shot placement and an understanding of anatomy are paramount. However, momentum should be the most important part of arrow selection if we want…
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How to Hunt Native Warm-Season Grasses
Sep 25, 2012Jennifer Pudenz
Just 170 years ago, a seemingly boundless prairie blanketed the Midwest, one of the largest ecosystems in the world, and it provided natural cover for whitetails and many other wildlife species. Today, only one tenth…