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VIDEO: How to Identify Antlerless Deer in the Field, Plus 18-deer Quiz

Aug 30, 2023 NDA Staff

The National Deer Association is pleased to announce the premiere of a new educational video project, “How to Identify Antlerless Deer in the Field,” produced in partnership with The Bearded Buck. The 17-minute video uses…

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Which Doe Should You Take?

Sep 14, 2016 Kip Adams

The QDMA promotes harvesting an adequate number of does to keep deer populations in balance with available resources like forage and cover. This leads to a discussion of how many does to shoot, since “adequate”…

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QDM: Frequently Asked Questions

Mar 14, 2012 Lindsay Thomas Jr.

Why practice QDM? Do I have to wait for a “wallhanger” or a “trophy” before I can kill a buck? I hunted all season and did not see a buck that was legal under my…

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