If you don’t have red clover growing in some of your food plots, let me explain why you should. Dr. Craig Harper and I examined red clover in research plots in Tennessee for several years. We…
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Food Plot Species Profile: Crimson Clover
Sep 6, 2013Bob Westerfield
Chances are if you’ve ever bought a commercial cool-season food plot blend, you have probably planted crimson clover. Crimson clover is a cool-season annual (in southern states) that is relatively easy to grow and is…
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Food Plot Species Profile: Austrian Winter Peas
Jul 5, 2013Bob Westerfield
Austrian winter peas are a cool-season annual legume that can produce a great food plot on their own or as an addition to a seed mixture planted in the fall to attract deer. Easy to…
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Food Plot Species Profile: Chicory
Aug 29, 2012Bob Westerfield
For a change of pace, try growing chicory – a tough cool-season perennial crop that is a preferred deer forage – in your next fall food plot. This nutritious broadleaf crop is actually in the…
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Try These Cool-Season Food Plot Mixes
Aug 6, 2012Craig Harper
There are a myriad of combinations that can be used with cool-season food plots. Many contain grasses, leguminous forbs (such as clovers and alfalfa), and non-leguminous forbs (such as chicory and brassicas). This can be…
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Food Plot Species Profile: Arrowleaf Clover
Mar 9, 2012Bob Westerfield
Arrowleaf clover is a cool-season annual that is highly productive in fall and spring and a top-choice forage for whitetails, especially when does are carrying fawns and bucks are about to begin antler growth. Though it’s…
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Food Species Profile: Wheat
Mar 9, 2012Bob Westerfield
Wheat is a cool-season cereal grain that is easy to establish, quick to germinate, and a great choice for fall hunting plots, whether you plant it in a pure stand or in a mix with…