
9 Facts About Targeted Removal for Fighting CWD

Jan 13, 2021 NDA Staff

As deer hunting seasons close around the nation each year, some wildlife agencies in states that are fighting outbreaks of chronic wasting disease (CWD) gear up for an effort to fight the disease through a…

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4 Reasons We Can’t Forget Does in the Fight Against CWD

Jan 22, 2020 Kip Adams

There’s still much we do not know about chronic wasting disease (CWD), but we uncover new secrets annually and provide managers with new insights to better manage deer herds afflicted with this devastating disease. One…

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What Does a Deer With CWD Look Like?

Oct 2, 2019 NDA Staff

What does a deer with chronic wasting disease (CWD) look like? Most look as healthy as the buck in the trail-camera photo above. A few days after this photo was taken in November 2012, NDA…

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Yes, EHD is Bad. But CWD is Worse

Mar 13, 2019 Brian Grossman

If you follow the QDMA on social media or keep up with the content we share on our website and in our magazine, you know that we are putting a lot of emphasis on the…

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Every Deer Hunter Can Take These Steps to Fight CWD.

Oct 3, 2018 Lindsay Thomas Jr.

Chronic wasting disease (CWD) in deer is a serious matter. While the long-term implications are concerning to NDA, to other wildlife conservation organizations, and to the majority of wildlife disease experts, the situation is not…

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Are Deer Evolving Resistance to CWD?

Jun 18, 2018 Stacie Robinson and Michael Samuel

If you hunt whitetails, you’ve probably already heard of chronic wasting disease (CWD). This neurodegenerative disease is caused by an odd sort of protein called a prion that develops in the brains of infected animals…

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This Map Spells Trouble for the Future of Deer Hunting

Apr 25, 2018 Lindsay Thomas Jr.

This map scares the hell out of me. Once you understand what it shows us about deer hunters and chronic wasting disease (CWD), it should alarm you, too. It’s a map of one of the…

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Yes, CWD Kills Deer. A Mississippi Hunter Watched It Happen.

Mar 1, 2018 Lindsay Thomas Jr.

Chronic wasting disease kills deer. In fact, a Mississippi hunter sat in his stand and watched one die of the brain-destroying disease on January 21. When a tissue sample from the carcass was tested, it…

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EHD and CWD: What’s the Difference?

Feb 18, 2015 Lindsay Thomas Jr.

The two most significant diseases affecting deer today are hemorrhagic disease (EHD and bluetongue viruses) and chronic wasting disease (CWD). Many people confuse the two. Here’s a quick guide to the major differences between EHD…

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10 Reasons You Don’t Want CWD in Your Woods

Feb 17, 2015 Lindsay Thomas Jr.

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a serious threat to the future of deer hunting. Yet, there are many hunters who don’t understand or appreciate the threat, who feel it is not something they have to…

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