To hone your skills at estimating the age of bucks in trail-camera photos, nothing you can do is more important than ground-truthing. That means killing bucks that you believe meet your age goal, pulling their…
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How to Run a Trail-Camera Survey
Apr 19, 2012Lindsay Thomas Jr.
A trail-camera survey – put simply – is the most powerful deer herd monitoring tool you can use that doesn’t require the assistance of a professional wildlife biologist. On your own, you can estimate deer…
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Harvesting the Right Number of Deer
Mar 9, 2012Kip Adams
In other articles, we’ve talked about harvesting the right number of does and bucks in your QDM program. Once you set your harvest goals, it is critical that you monitor the results by collecting harvest…
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How Many Bucks Can I Harvest?
Mar 9, 2012Kip Adams
Let’s continue our discussion of harvest prescriptions with another common question: “How many bucks can I harvest?” The number of bucks you can harvest will depend highly on your level of restraint and the age…
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How Many Does Can I Harvest?
Mar 9, 2012Kip Adams
“How Many Does Should I Harvest?” This is undoubtedly the most commonly asked question I receive each year as fall approaches. Hunters ask whether they should shoot any, a few, or a lot of does….
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Detecting the Rut Peak
Mar 2, 2012Kip Adams
Fetal aging sounds like a technique used by Ob/Gyn doctors and ultrasound technicians, but deer managers can learn a lot about the population they’re managing by taking some annual fetal measurements. Joe Hamilton, QDMA’s founder,…