deer harvest

Why Are Deer on the Decline in Western Iowa?

Jul 8, 2024 Lindsay Thomas Jr.

Iowa DNR is holding a series of public meetings in Western Iowa this summer to discuss a decline in deer populations and how to restore numbers. In most of the whitetail’s range, state wildlife agencies…

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The Dwindling Doe Harvest

Jul 2, 2018 Kip Adams

The year was 1999. We were on the cusp of a new century. The Yankees won the World Series for the 25th time. The Denver Broncos won the Super Bowl for the second time, and…

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How Do State Wildlife Agencies Estimate Deer Harvest?

Mar 16, 2015 Lindsay Thomas Jr.

Every year we compile deer harvest estimates by state in our Deer Report and release them to the hunting public, and every year we receive multiple responses that go something like this: “Those numbers can’t be…

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