fawn recruitment

How Often Do Whitetails Give Birth to Triplet and Quadruplet Fawns, or More?

May 8, 2024 Lindsay Thomas Jr.

A whitetail doe can give birth to one, two or three fawns each year, and that’s the limit for almost all of them. A very rare doe will bear quadruplet fawns. And rarest among the…

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Some Whitetail Does Are Super Fawn Recruiters. Here’s What That Means for Deer Harvest.

Mar 13, 2024 Lindsay Thomas Jr.

Would you be surprised to learn not every doe raises a fawn each year? Zero is an option, even when fawn predators are not a factor. For some does to skip years, though, there must…

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Bucks of All Ages Succeed in the Wild Whitetail Rut. Yes, Even These.

Nov 29, 2023 Lindsay Thomas Jr.

In the frenzied breeding scramble that is the whitetail rut, are bucks and does selective about the age of their mates, or is rut success random? The answer is: Yes. There’s scientific evidence that age…

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No, Fawns Aren’t Odorless: A Deep Dive Into Fawn Behavior and Biology With Dr. John Kilgo

Apr 13, 2022 NDA Staff

In this week’s Deer Season 365 Podcast episode, we are talking whitetail fawns with Dr. John Kilgo. We cover everything from how does choose a location to birth fawns, to a fawn’s first few hours…

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Born With One Hoof in the Grave? Fawns Die Even Without Predators

Apr 24, 2019 Justin Dion, Jacob Haus, Joe Rogerson and Jacob Bowman

Predators are one of the most widely discussed topics of deer hunting in the past few years, particularly in regards to population management and fawn survival. If you were to ask any hunter what factor…

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When Do Fawns Begin Eating Natural Forage?

Jun 19, 2015 Kip Adams

This great photo of a young fawn taking a bite of hopclover was captured by Vermont forester and wildlife expert Susan C. Morse and it helps answer an interesting question about fawns: When do they wean…

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The Magic & Myths of Fawns

May 19, 2015 Sam Leatherman

I always look forward to seeing the first newborn fawn of the year. Without fail, social media will begin to fill with pictures of these beautiful, wobbly-legged creatures, and understandably so. Very few things in…

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Who Controls Your Fawn Supply?

Apr 13, 2015 Lindsay Thomas Jr.

In the classic Clint Eastwood movie Pale Rider, prospectors fall on hard times when an evil industrialist chokes the flow of creekwater that allows them to pan for gold. Luckily, the “Preacher” is handy with…

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Taking Does Can Actually Increase Fawn Production

Sep 25, 2014 Lindsay Thomas Jr.

You’ve heard some people say they never shoot does “because that is like killing next year’s fawns.” While this sounds logical, it’s not always the correct approach. Doe harvest isn’t always necessary, but when it…

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Coyote Control: When Is It The Right Option?

May 7, 2014 Dr. Will Gulsby and Dr. Karl V. Miller

On a crisp, clear November night at deer camp, the conversation around the campfire subsides for a moment as you add another log to the fire. Just as you ease back into your camp chair,…

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