The Most Perplexing Question in All of Deer Hunting
Oct 2, 2024Lindsay Thomas Jr.
What is the meaning of life? Why are we here? Are we alone in the universe? What is the greatest treestand snack of all time? You’ve pondered these and other great mysteries, but they all…
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Your Target Buck Got Tagged. Here’s Why You Should Keep Hunting.
Dec 6, 2023Kip Adams
Maybe you watched him all summer. Maybe he showed up last year or this fall. Whenever he showed up, and wherever he came from, bucks that make your wish-list are special. This is especially true…
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5 Valuable Lessons From a 10-Point Buck Someone Else Tagged
Nov 15, 2023Nick Pinizzotto
For the second time, I watched helplessly as my target buck, a 4½-year-old main-frame 10-point with a cool kicker off his right beam, fed just out of shooting range in my food plot. He was…