jawbone aging

Which Deer Aging Technique is More Accurate, Jawbone or Cementum?

Sep 20, 2023 Kip Adams

There are two methods hunters can use to estimate the age of harvested deer, and both rely on deer teeth. There is a lot of misunderstanding, misapplication, and misinformation shared about these valuable deer management…

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My Birthday Buck Had Upper Canine Teeth. Yes, Deer Fangs!

Sep 13, 2023 Cheyne Matzenbacher

Fangs on a whitetail? Yes, both whitetails and mule deer can sometimes grow small, upper canine teeth. I was aware of this rare phenomenon in deer, but I got some hands-on experience in fall 2022…

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Have We Killed Too Many Does?

Mar 9, 2015 Matt Ross

With all the recent hubbub in the general outdoor media about deer harvests being down, as well as within the pages of the newly released 2015 QDMA Whitetail Report, I’m confident there are literally thousands…

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Ground-Truthing Bucks

Aug 15, 2013 Lindsay Thomas Jr.

To hone your skills at estimating the age of bucks in trail-camera photos, nothing you can do is more important than ground-truthing. That means killing bucks that you believe meet your age goal, pulling their…

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Estimating Deer Age with Cementum Annuli

Oct 12, 2012 NDA Staff

The cementum annuli (CA) aging technique is based on the annual addition of cementum, a specialized calcified substance deposited on the roots of teeth in many mammals. Layers of cementum produce “rings” similar to those…

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