Jun 25, 2013Dr. Will Gulsby and Dr. Karl V. Miller
Over the last decade, predators, especially coyotes, have greatly altered deer population dynamics in many parts of the country by reducing fawn recruitment (the number of fawns per doe that survive to 6 months of…
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Harvesting the Right Number of Deer
Mar 9, 2012Kip Adams
In other articles, we’ve talked about harvesting the right number of does and bucks in your QDM program. Once you set your harvest goals, it is critical that you monitor the results by collecting harvest…
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7 Steps to a Successful Cooperative
Mar 8, 2012Donnie Wood
Gather a group of hunters who practice Quality Deer Management (QDM) and you’ll discover many similarities. All of us strive to harvest an appropriate number of antlerless deer when necessary and while not harvesting button bucks….