Why Bucks “Vanish” When They Are Tending Does, and How to Find Them
Nov 6, 2024Lindsay Thomas Jr.
I’ve been hunting deer for 40 years, and I’ve never seen it. Only a few of the veteran deer hunters I know have seen it, and even those encounters were fleeting glimpses. Many wildlife biologists…
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Rutcations Give Deer All the Advantages. Can They Still Work?
Feb 8, 2023Lindsay Thomas Jr.
As I write this, I’ve just completed a week-long “rutcation.” Aside from a chance to fill a buck tag and enjoy a rejuvenating soak in the deer woods, such time helps me generate new writing…
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Cold Fronts May Get Hunters On Their Feet, But Bucks Answer a Different Call
Oct 6, 2021Lindsay Thomas Jr.
Don’t say it. Do not say it! Don’t say the cold front has got the bucks on their feet. You are going to say it, aren’t you? Seriously, listen to yourself this fall. You’re going…
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How to Bottleneck a Buck During the Rut: 3 Maps
Oct 30, 2019Jake Grages
You’ve likely heard advice about finding the does during the rut to find the bucks. Great advice, but let’s dig a little deeper into how you can put bucks in front of you during the…
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5 Red-Hot Rut Stands for Pressured Deer
Nov 17, 2016Josh Honeycutt
Most of the places I hunt are either public land or small, heavily pressured pockets of private land. Mature bucks (3½ to 4½ years old and older) aren’t making many daylight appearances in these areas…
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No Link Between Moon Phase and Rut Peak
Oct 13, 2014Lindsay Thomas Jr.
This graphic illustrates a fact that has stood up to repeated scientific testing over the years: The moon does not have a detectable influence on the timing of whitetail breeding. Scientists have known for decades that…
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Is the “Lockdown Phase” a Myth?
Oct 30, 2013Lindsay Thomas Jr.
Some hunters believe they witness an “October Lull” or a peak-rut “Lockdown Phase,” when mature bucks suddenly stop moving or hole-up with an estrus doe. Researcher Andy Olson did not see evidence of either in…
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When Do Bucks Visit Scrapes?
Nov 1, 2012Matt Ross
Have you ever set up on a fresh scrape, only to sit for hours and not see a thing? Well, wildlife researchers have shown that most scraping activity (nearly 85 percent) occurs at night. So,…
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Hunt Does to Find Bucks in November
Oct 30, 2012Matt Pudenz
When November arrives, everyone is on the lookout for that big buck. However, it’s easy to overlook the main factor controlling buck movements in November – does. As the rut kicks in, bucks will be…