shed hunting

How Far Apart Do Bucks Drop Their Antlers? Shed Hunting Tips From New Science

Feb 5, 2025 Lindsay Thomas Jr.

You just found a nice shed antler. How far away is the matching side? How likely are you to find it? We now have scientific data to help answer these questions, thanks to a new…

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Idaho Fish & Game Seeking Comments on Winter Antler Gathering Closures

Oct 2, 2023 Amber Kornak

Idaho Fish and Game (IDFG) is accepting public comments regarding proposed shed antler hunting/gathering closures on public lands during and after severe winters. Earlier this year, the Idaho Legislature passed Senate Bill 1143, which gives…

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Why Do Squirrels Gnaw on Shed Antlers?

Mar 22, 2023 Karli Gill

If every buck in your woods and fields drops their antlers every winter, why isn’t the landscape littered with them? Why haven’t you walked a few steps into the trees and found not only this…

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Shed Hunting Tips by Region, Part 6: Northern Great Plains

Mar 17, 2021 Moriah Boggess

I had never read a comprehensive article with shed-hunting strategies for specific regions of the whitetail’s range. So, I wrote one! I interviewed six shed-hunting nuts from the Midwest, Mississippi River Valley, Deep South, Appalachian…

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Shed Hunting Tips by Region, Part 5: the Northeast

Mar 10, 2021 Moriah Boggess

I had never read a comprehensive article with shed-hunting strategies for specific regions of the whitetail’s range. So, I wrote one! I interviewed six shed-hunting nuts from the Midwest, Mississippi River Valley, Deep South, Appalachian…

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Shed Hunting Tips by Region, Part 4: Appalachian Mountains

Mar 2, 2021 Moriah Boggess

I had never read a comprehensive article with shed-hunting strategies for specific regions of the whitetail’s range. So, I wrote one! I interviewed six shed-hunting nuts from the Midwest, Mississippi River Valley, Deep South, Appalachian…

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Shed Hunting Tips by Region, Part 3: Mississippi River Valley

Feb 24, 2021 Moriah Boggess

I had never read a comprehensive article with shed-hunting strategies for specific regions of the whitetail’s range. So, I wrote one! I interviewed six shed-hunting nuts from the Midwest, Mississippi River Valley, Deep South, Appalachian…

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Shed Hunting Tips by Region, Part 2: Midwest

Feb 17, 2021 Moriah Boggess

I had never read a comprehensive article with shed-hunting strategies for specific regions of the whitetail’s range. So, I wrote one! I interviewed six shed-hunting nuts from the Midwest, Mississippi River Valley, Deep South, Appalachian…

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Shed Hunting Tips by Region, Part 1: Deep South

Feb 10, 2021 Moriah Boggess

It’s winter, and soon it will seem like everyone is posting grip-and-grin photos on social media of massive shed antlers they are finding. This is an exciting time of year for avid shed hunters but…

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Hit the Road for Shed-Hunting Adventures

Feb 3, 2021 Moriah Boggess

Deer season is over but that doesn’t mean your hunting adventures have to be, and for those with an adventurous soul, shed hunting can open up new country. Taking shed hunting roadtrips to various parts…

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