4 Ideal Deer Stand Setups Boosted by Habitat Enhancements
Sep 11, 2024Ryan Rothstein
Too often when I read articles about deer stand setups or strategies for picking stand sites, it’s usually surface-level information. We get it by now – hunt funnels, set up downwind of trails, yada yada….
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How to Bottleneck a Buck During the Rut: 3 Maps
Oct 30, 2019Jake Grages
You’ve likely heard advice about finding the does during the rut to find the bucks. Great advice, but let’s dig a little deeper into how you can put bucks in front of you during the…
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Stand Placement Tips for Mature Bucks
Jul 31, 2019Dominic Corsini
Find stand sites that combine these six features, then get ready to call your taxidermist. What makes one stand better than another when it comes to harvesting mature bucks? Why do some stands seem to…
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The Power of the First Sit
Oct 10, 2017Alex Comstock
It’s a tried and true piece of advice you hear from deer hunters throughout the country. Save your best spots until the best time of the year. Don’t go in and muck up an area….
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Three Double-Lung Treestand Setups
Aug 18, 2014Jim Sollecito
Most bragging-sized bucks are harvested by hunters who fall into one of two categories: the very well prepared or the very lucky. Sometimes those paths intersect. The better you prepare, the luckier you get. That’s…
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7 Ways to Relocate Missing Bucks
Sep 5, 2012Matt Pudenz
Velvet is dropping, bachelor groups are breaking up, and those easy-to-find summer bucks are changing patterns and will soon “disappear” as they spread out into the far corners of their home ranges. It’s time to use…
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Sex Among the Persimmons
Mar 28, 2012Lindsay Thomas Jr.
If you think this is about people having sex in the woods, I’m sorry to disappoint. It’s about persimmon trees having sex in the woods. Far less interesting, I know, at least until hunting season…
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To Kill Mature Bucks, Go Somewhere Else
Mar 16, 2012Lindsay Thomas Jr.
I had an interesting phone conversation with deer researcher Dr. Mark Conner while I was working on an article for Quality Whitetails. Mark, who works in Maryland, has led a number of recent groundbreaking studies…