trail-camera survey

This Trail-Camera Code May Help You Track Bucks

Nov 3, 2016 Lindsay Thomas Jr.

If you love to run trail-cameras over scrapes to inventory unique bucks where you hunt, then you’ve experienced the love/hate relationship of sorting and tracking the hundreds or thousands of photos that can quickly fill…

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3 Ways to Track Fawn Recruitment

Jun 25, 2013 Dr. Will Gulsby and Dr. Karl V. Miller

Over the last decade, predators, especially coyotes, have greatly altered deer population dynamics in many parts of the country by reducing fawn recruitment (the number of fawns per doe that survive to 6 months of…

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Which Bucks Can I Shoot?

Jul 23, 2012 Lindsay Thomas Jr.

Imagine an old friend joins you for a weekend hunt on your QDM lands. The night before the hunt commences, your friend asks an important question: “Which bucks can I shoot?” For you, this is…

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How to Run a Trail-Camera Survey

Apr 19, 2012 Lindsay Thomas Jr.

A trail-camera survey – put simply – is the most powerful deer herd monitoring tool you can use that doesn’t require the assistance of a professional wildlife biologist. On your own, you can estimate deer…

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