What Are You Willing to Pay a Premium For?

June 5, 2024 By: NDA Staff

Deer hunting can cost as much as you want as a hobby. You have to buy, at a minimum, a hunting license and can spend as much or as little on gear as you want. All of that feeds into the system of funding that is at the heart of why wildlife conservation has worked in the United States.

So why should you volunteer a premium for membership in NDA?

Well, there are a few things that the government can’t do for you with the funding you provide through license fees and taxes on firearms, ammo, and archery equipment. That’s where we come in, so that we can be a voice for science-based policy, educate on how to be stewards of our lands, and teach ethical hunting practices for deer hunters among sometimes widespread misinformation, politics, and myths about deer and deer hunters. 

I’m willing to bet that we all think time in the woods spent is of great value to our quality of life. And the value of wildlife and hunting is truly priceless. And the truth is that without organizations throughout history working to conserve wildlife and wild places, we wouldn’t enjoy the treasure that we have today. We at NDA are committed to making sure that deer and deer hunting continue to thrive. We work alongside lots of other organizations to ensure just that, and we have for over 35 years.

When you volunteer to upgrade your membership to Premium, you help us with that work. As a Premium Member, you are an even bigger part of securing the future of deer and deer hunting.

What do you get for being a Premium Member of the National Deer Association?

Well the number one benefit in supporting us is that we fight every day to ensure the future of wild deer, wildlife habitat, and hunting nationwide, from habitat work in the woods to policy work in D.C. and everything in between. You are also part of a community of hunters and wildlife lovers that take the time to get accurate information about deer and use respectable scientific research. It’s a pretty cool club. 

Beyond that there are a few perks that come with Premium Membership. From 10-50% off discounts on equipment like Browning, Mathews, Vortex, and BOG or technology like onX or on education like our very own Deer Steward and Deer Hunting 101 online courses. We are adding new discounts year-round as new sponsors come on board!

Another perk that Premium Members will be seeing this year is exclusive webinars from our staff on topics ranging from current research to habitat to just good old woodsmanship and hunting tips. Stay tuned for those coming up this summer!

Whether Basic or Premium Membership level, you are part of a group who works everyday to make sure that deer and deer hunting are flourishing. It wasn’t so long ago that deer were not very plentiful in so many places. Now we have new challenges to face keeping deer and deer hunting relevant in a country where 11 million people hunt deer and 322 million people don’t.

Thank you to all of our members!

Upgrade to a Premium Membership